Life changes
It has been almost 5 months since my life started to change little by little. I had no idea what path I was taking, or how it would change my day-to-day life. I had no idea how it would change my spirit. But change it has. I guess it started in mid to late January. I had agreed to take some teenage girls to Revolve (the younger version of Women of Faith). As time got closer, the more nervous I became. I wanted to find some excuse to get out of taking them. I was feeling desperate as other adults that were planning on going were having to back out for one reason or another. I knew I was "stuck". I was getting worried that one of these girls might make a choice to follow Jesus during this trip, and I felt poorly equipped to be able to answer any questions pertaining to God. I have been a Christian since I was a young child, but I was scared to lead anyone to Christ. I decided I had better read my bible and spend some time in prayer. It was that simple.....just making a s...