Kid 1......
I was very newly married (like THAT day type of thing) when I got pregnant with my first child. To say I was excited was an absolute understatement. All I wanted in my whole life was to have a baby. A husband is nice, but that wasn't as important as children. Is that messed up? lol My pregnancy was easy. I had a little bit of morning sickness and felt rotten for a short period of time. Unfortunately it was while I was making baked goods at the coffee shop that we owned. Not the best thing for business. I loved to EAT everything, but baking gagged me. It also seemed that when I did get sick it was after a meal that we just spent money on. My biggest issues was I was tired. Very tired! But otherwise, it was really pretty easy for me. I don't think I've ever felt as beautiful as when I was pregnant. And that's laughable because I gained LOTS of weight with every pregnancy (50-60 pounds each time)....