Kid 2.......

As a mom I felt like I had the parent thing pretty under control with my first baby. We were always put together and did lots of play dates and such. Travel was easy....just throw some stuff into a bag and go. Plus my first baby was an easy going kid. Cue baby 2. My pregnancy was pretty easy, but I did take a fall at the end of the pregnancy and then that same night began vomiting with some virus. Between being sore and then spending the whole evening vomiting, I was in rough shape the next morning. I started labor at almost 4 weeks early. I ended up in the hospital with them trying to stop labor (and doing so successfully) and then realizing I was farther than they wanted in my labor so then started it up again with induction. Ugh. Natalie was born after a short induced labor. She was tiny in comparison to her older sister. And had some minor issues with breathing and was played under an oxygen tent. She did fi...