Running late

I have my kids this school week.  Normally I have them Thursday-Sunday afternoon, and their dad has them during the school week.  He's out of town, so I get them extra time (which I love). 

I had a really rough evening Sunday night.  This resulted in literally NO sleep until 4:30am and then I had a dream where I woke up crying.  So I didn't get any real rest.  I was a zombie Monday at work, and it took all my power to not break down and cry or just scream at people. 

I had to go to the bus stop to pick up my son, and then home to cook supper.  About the time supper was ready it was time to drive back across town to meet  my oldest daughter to pick up my youngest daughter.  So needless to say, I was very very ready for bed when I was finally able to crawl in it.  I think I was asleep within seconds.

I had strange dreams and woke up with my alarm.  Wait.....I woke up with my alarm that was set for 6am.  I have my kids and we have to leave the house by 6:10 to make it to the bus stops!!  I jumped up and started pounding on doors tell the kids we were running very very late.  Hurry!

I'm proud to say we were pulling out of the garage at 6:13!  Three of us ready and out the door in just 13 minutes.  I can't promise that hair or teeth were brushed or that outfits were matching or appropriate, but we were in the car!  My children packed lunches of chips, fruit snacks, and other prepackaged foods, but they will have something to eat!

I didn't even speed in order to get us to the bus stop at 6:40.  Both buses were already there and waiting, but we made it!

As I left the stop I was thankful that even with the rush, I got my kids where they needed to be.  I made it to work with plenty of time and was ready to start my day. 

It would be easy to let that start set the tone for my day, but instead I'm using it to just be thankful for everything going as it needed.  Plus, I have the bonus of having my kids some extra time.  Life is good.


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