Flight for Life training

Tonight our EMS & Fire agencies were supposed to do training with Flight for Life. It was supposed to be the simple rules of what to do/not to do! We spent some time just talking and learning a bit about things. Most of the fire department couldn't be there since they were called out to a fire just minutes before the training started.

I joked around about getting a ride with them at some point (and I know one of the pilots and have been trying to work something out for months). I asked plenty of questions, and was just really interested in patient care before and during the flight. I was surprised at some of the issues they have with patient weight, but other things I thought would be issues weren't.

Anyway, at the end of the training (now completely dark) they said that if someone was willing to drive into Pueblo to pick up someone, they would do a drawing and let one of us ride with them back to town. I, of course being shy and quiet, started becoming a bit vocal with excitement! :) Nathan agreed to come and get me if I happened to win the drawing. I in fact DID win! WOOHOOO!!!!!

Nathan headed off to Pueblo to meet up with us. As we were going over the rules of what I could and couldn't do....it started raining (and I was wondering if I would really get to ride). I got a cool flight helmet put on, and I literally got a front row seat! It was an amazing view....even in the dark! We were off!!! :) I watched the helicopter scare off a good size herd of deer.

Once we were in the air and had been going for a short time, they asked if I wanted some night vision goggles! I couldn't turn that down, so they hooked me up! :) It was amazing to see the world so clearly at night. I saw the area with new eyes! I had no idea the goggles would show things so detailed. I saw everything!

Once we got close to Pueblo I gave back the goggles and thought we were going straight to the hospital to land, but we instead went to the airport to fuel up. Just another 10 minutes of being with the crew, but it made it even more fun.

Finally we landed on top of the hospital, and I watched them do their busy work before I went down to the ER to meet Nathan.

I'm still just reeling with excitement! It was such a cool experience!!!! WOW!

Ok....off to bed I go. Certainly makes me think about going on to do my paramedic and then work at getting on with flight! I think it adds another element of patient care that is just amazing!


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