Divorced!!! What happened?

So many people were shocked to hear of my divorce.  We were the couple that "would last forever" and "were perfect for each other".  There was a time when that was true.  I'm so thankful for what came out of my marriage....mainly my 4 amazing kids.  I was a stay-at-home mom for years and while I loved most moments of it, I did find I lost myself.  I lost who I was.  I was HIS wife and THEIR mom.  I wasn't sure what I loved or was passionate about.  And I struggled with depression off and on. 

After some issues with my husbands ability to find solid work, I went to work after years of being away.  I really enjoyed working but struggled to make enough money to keep the family afloat.  I was blessed enough to find a job that was excellent money, but long hours working as a paramedic.  This was enough to take care of the family, but kept me away with 24 hour shifts.  This was a blessing and a curse I suppose.

I found myself.  I enjoyed working.  I enjoyed learning who I was.  I was finding myself and my self confidence.  I felt important and liked taking care of the family.  However, it also started to wear on how good a mom I was.  I was always tired.  I just never had the energy on my days off.  And the issues in my marriage became major issues.  The things I had been bothered with for years but shrugged off were huge deals now and just didn't seem to improve.

At some point I just decided I was done.  There were plenty of mistakes on both side.  I certainly carry plenty of the "blame" or "responsibility" for the problems.  I know I'm not the easiest person to live with.  But in the end, there were some things I just couldn't let go and decided that my happiness was important.

It wasn't an easy choice.  I didn't make it lightly.  And there you have it.....an amazingly watered down divorce story.  It will all make sense over the next few months as I tell my story. 


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