New Way of Thinking...not as easy as it seems!

I've been working very hard at keeping a very positive mind set about life in general. I'm working at imagining how I want my life to look. I see very wonderful things happening. What I have found with this "new" thinking is that it is so easy to fall back into the "old" way of thinking.

What do I mean? I mean, wanting to do nothing because things aren't the way I want them to be (YET)! Negative thinking when life isn't turning the way I wanted it to turn!

What I keep reminding myself, is it isn't about how quickly we get there, but the journey! It is easy to apply this to a "real life" situation. There are two ways to get to one location. One is a "quick" trip, but it is flat and "surprise" free. The other, takes more time, but it has some hills and some wonderful scenery. Along the way, you have a few surprises, maybe wildlife. It takes a lot longer, but it is so worth the journey!

I have to remember that what I want in my life isn't always going to come the minute I "think" it! It sometimes will take me awhile before I am rewarded (and even more blessed because of what I learned along the way)!


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