A YEAR? Really?

I had really forgotten about this blog.  I decided to check on my twitter account that I haven't used since 2010.  Low and behold I found my blog.  I went back and reviewed some of my posts and remembered how nice it is to look back at the past (at least most of the time).  It has been a very interesting year.  This family has had some ups and downs. 

So let's see....the kids are now ALL in school!  Jocelyn started kindergarten and Kayla started high school.  Sam is in 5th grade and Natalie is in her last year of middle school.  It has been interesting watching them adjust to this year.  Kayla is fairly sure that she is as smart if not more so than more of her teachers in high school (and she probably is).  She is now a published author and is working on a book.  She has had a long few months of fighting illness, that we found out was abdominal migraines. I have really learned to enjoy the young lady she is becoming (although we still have some knock-down-drag-out-fights) .  Natalie is  in volleyball and originally felt we were cruel in making her play, but now she is doing really well and enjoying herself.  :)  She is really finding her voice and her confidence is starting to take off.  It is fun to watch.  Sam is the same kid as always.  He is advanced in all his classes and enjoys school. He is growing and finally starting to put on some weight. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but 10lbs in one year!  :)  He seems to be more and more BOY, but really enjoys spending time with his sisters.  Then there is Jocelyn......what can you say about that child?  She is FULL of energy and she keeps us all laughing daily.  She is a charmer and says the funniest things.  She keeps us on our toes.

Ok....time to eat.  I'll finish updating later. :)


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