Photos, and videos, and cakes.....oh my!

How does anyone choose anything for a wedding?  Where on earth do you start?  How do you choose who is going to be best for your special day?

Price?  Yes.....THAT is a huge driving factor for a wedding AND final decisions.  It often determines what we "get" and have to pass on.   Money.....WHY is it so complicated?

I've had a wedding before.  My finance has also had a previous wedding.  Why do we want another?  Why are we willing to spend money on an event or a process we have already had?  Been there and done that?!

I get it.  That said, I WANT a wedding.  I want what I didn't have my first time around.  I'm more mature.  It means something different this time around.   It also means that things are on our dime and we are making choices based on what we know, want, and ultimately will have.

So how does one choose who is best?  Which is best?  What is necessary?  lol  I really have no idea!  Great right?  Not much help.

Here's what I'm doing....I'm going with my heart.  There are some thoughts where I'm not willing to compromise.  I WANT the party after the wedding.  I want a dance and DJ.  That I'm not giving up.  I want pictures of course, but it isn't my main focus.  Of course I want those "required" wedding shots, but I'm willing to find a good deal and spend less in order to have a video this time around.  Here's the thing.....the first time around we spend a TON of money for photos.  You know how many time I looked at the album?  A handful of times.  Seriously.....that's it.  So yes, I want pictures, but I don't need a huge album that I will look at maybe once a year.  I want a picture to hang up!  I want a website where everyone shares pics they captured, but I don't need thousands of dollars spent on pictures.

I don't need fancy decorations or a crazy fancy cake.  I just want an atmosphere where we are having the best night.  I want to celebrate with our friends and family. :)   So I'm trying to understand where to spend our money verses where to just compromise or do without.    Also trying to learn where I can shortcut!  Can I make my own arrangements?  What about table decorations.....can I purchase or borrow materials?  Can I crochet my bridesmaid dresses (lol...just kidding)?  But seriously, can I find little money saving areas to get my BIG wants?

I'm dreaming weddings and the details every night.  Obviously it is on my mind.  :)  I'll keep you posted on how one (me, or I suppose WE) decides what we need and how we come about making it meet the budget.


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