Long weekend

It's been a great LONG weekend.  I worked a Saturday last weekend so I got to take a day off during my normal work week.  I decided to take Friday off and because of Presidents Day, I also have today off. That's an extra long weekend.  :)

What does one do on a long weekend?  Part of it was cleaning.  But not just "regular" cleaning, but move the furniture and throw stuff out cleaning.  We live in a small townhouse so options are very limited as far as moving rooms around, but I love doing that.  So I decided that Friday I was going to deep clean my room and move the furniture around.  I set out doing just that.  The problem is, with such tight space, you really are very limited in how you can rearrange.  I was feeling optimistic and decided I would try it out anyway.   I eye my room and the furniture and then mentally compared spaces.  I knew it could all work, but wasn't sure if it was something Emanuel would like.  I literally moved pretty much all the furniture out and cleaned then started moving things back in.  Unfortunately I hit a minor road block, but decided that because it would take removing the wall mount for the TV I had better just move everything back to its original location.  It was really disappointing, BUT I did have a clean room.  Also in this process I discovered that the humidifier I had sitting on my book case had leaked water all over the top and onto each shelf lined with books.  :(  I had to throw several books away and had to lay several others to dry.  Also had two boxes of checks that were soaked.  UGH!  But a blessing I found it THEN versus days later.  One day gone with little to show for it.

Saturday we went to Colorado Springs to look at a venue for our wedding.  It was GREAT to spend a day with each other.  It helps build excitement and really brings our reality of an upcoming wedding to light.  The rest of the day was spent just relaxing and enjoying each other.  

Sunday was another great day spent doing wedding "stuff".  We went to a local bridal expo and talked to vendors.  It has really helped bring some focus to what we want this time around.  Plus I was lucky enough to win a $200 tiara.  It's beautiful and something I would have NEVER spent money on.  I left feeling like a princess.  We came home and decided to move furniture and shampoo our carpets.  It became a very intense process.   It was moving furniture OUT and cleaning very dirty carpet.  Then moving furniture to new homes, and fixing cable ports, and getting  rid of some furniture, and moving things from other parts of the house to make it all come together.  I love the new look.   We decided that we should also clean the upstairs carpets while we had this cleaner.  That led to moving the bedroom furniture in the way that I had started on Friday.  So "new" living room/dining room and "new" bedroom.  It's funny how great it is to have a "new" space.

I got Monday off since it is a federal holiday.  We again drove up to Colorado Springs to look at another beautiful venue.  Thanks to a delay in our appointment, we were also treated to lunch by the coordinator.  It brought about some great talks between Emanuel and I about wedding venues and again what's important.  Now home to finish up the final touches on cleaning from a late night of moving furniture.   A little laundry, some blogging, looking at more wedding STUFF, and then working on my latest baby blanket will round out a wonderful weekend.  

Hope you guys all had an amazing weekend as well.  


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