
I have 4 kids. Yes 4! When you say the number it seems like a LOT! ;) My kids range from ages 10 to almost 2. I find myself thinking "really?" pretty much all day long. Example?
My almost 2 year old has decided she is the ruler of this house! REALLY? She will climb anything she can, and screams louder than a ship horn when you stop her! Really! She is stubborn (I think she gets that from her father) and has a mind of her own. She can eat more than any 6 year old that I've seen (possibly a 10 year old). And my only thought is....Really? She is a solid tank of a child and those big blue eyes assure her of at least some leeway now and then.
The other three children can't complete with their baby sister when it comes to the amount of trouble she finds. However, they each have their fair share of times when I'm left thinking- really? My oldest has recently found a real knack for my brain to steam and my mind to lose all intelligent words when she walks out wearing my clothes! She is 10!!!! I find her getting into my closet and wearing whatever she wants (including high heals that are clearly 2 sizes to big)! Really? My 9 year old gets that same reaction when she tries that whining/telling thing....all the while trying to act completely innocent herself. Really? And then the only boy of the group, my 6 yr old, when he decides he is much to tired to clean/help/do anything! REALLY?
My children are my pride and joy. They really are. But they also have this amazing ability to drain my power. There is little to no reserve. I feel this way most of the time. It is amazing how you wake up feeling almost refreshed and within just an hour or two feel as though you didn't sleep at all the night before. Am I complaining? No, not really. Just simply stating the truth of the matter. I realize that while I do spend plenty of time saying or just thinking "REALLY?" that I'm blessed to have such a word floating through my head! Without my children, I would surely be bored by daily life and lack of the word "REALLY!"


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