Why is love so hard?

Who's with me?  Why the heck is love and relationships so darn hard?  I'm not used to love being hard.  I'm not used to a relationship being hard.   The first serious relationship I had was in high school.  My high school sweetheart woke up my life to romantic love.  I realize as a young person maybe it wasn't as deep as "grown up" relationships, but it was very real to me.  I was in love much to the upset of my parents.  LOL  But as most high school relationships do, we broke up and I was heartbroken.  It's the first time I had been the "dumped" instead of the "dumpie".
Fast forward to my marriage.  I was still young and not sure that I made the best choices about WHY I decided to get married.  I mean, I really liked him, but I'm not sure if it was true, deep and passionate love.  I was happy but still not a good reason to get married.
And then we have NOW.....I'm divorced, but finally found myself.  It's been both good and bad.  I'm a people pleaser so I often bit my tongue in order to avoid conflict.  Well I found my voice and it has made for some bumpy roads.  I believe, in the end, that I'm a better and happier person for being more real.  More honest.  But it isn't as easy as the "grin and stuff it way deep down and never think about it again" that I've lived much of my life with.
I'm in love.  I'm sure you have gathered that from the wedding cake on the front of the blog.  I'm engaged to be married and we just set a date.  However, this is both the most rewarding and yet hardest thing I've done as far as love goes.  My relationship is full of passion.  We love hard but man we fight hard as well (I'm not talking physical fighting).
The little things mean the most and irritate the most as well.  LOL  I find myself frustrated often in this relationship.  It has made me grow and stretch.  It's uncomfortable.  But I can tell you there is nothing like the love.  Nothing.  It makes me all giddy and warm.
Is it worth it?  Hell yes!!!!  Does it make you want to tear your hair out?  YES.  But trust me.....find the right love.  Be true to yourself and be willing to endure a little bit of discomfort in order to grow and experience love like never before.


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