I love to crochet!

I taught myself to crochet.  I'm not great at it.  I very often read a pattern and start a project and realize that I'm doing my own thing!  IF I put that project down for more than a month, I almost never can figure out how what I did to create the current look.  All that said, I really enjoy making something out of nothing.  I'm not sure if others enjoy my gifts as much as I enjoy giving them, but it makes me happy!

Once I read a pattern for an afghan and I was really excited to make it.  I had been working on it for days and someone who KNEW what they were doing commented on how unusual this blanket was.  It was literally two sided.  Two completely different patterns on each side.  It was the coolest mistake.  Sadly, I put it down for a long period of time, and I haven't been able to figure out WHAT on earth I did to make it so amazing.  So i have like a third of a blanket.  Ugh.

Right now crocheting is my stress relief.  I'm literally giving myself blisters from holding the crochet hook for so long.  lol  Oh, that's another thing.....I don't hold the hook correctly.  I watch videos and see all these people holding the hook and it is NOT the way I do it.  And I've tried to correct my "hold", but I struggle to make things happen.   Oh well, it makes me unique.  HA

I've make 6 afghans, 8 beanies, 5 infinity scarves, and 2 potholders since I started crocheting in mid December because of surgery.  Not bad I suppose!  Now I need to finish another baby blanket that I started last night.

I need to keep working on my technique and my timing.  I would love to finish my projects in a little less time.  Maybe I'll start donating afghans to shelters or doing beanies for my students.  I have no idea where this will take me.  I'll ride the wave while it lasts!

I encourage all of you to find a hobby.  Find something that is fun or relaxing or challenging and start working on it.  You don't have to be the greatest!  Goodness knows, I'm not!  lol  But enjoy DOING something.

Until next time!  Have a great day and enjoy the weekend.


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