Say Yes to the Dress

The phrase that became crazy popular due to the TLC show "Say Yes to the Dress".   I said "yes" over a year ago.  I bought the dress, and haven't looked at it since.

Today I pull my dress out and put it on and still love it, but realize that when I bought my dress I had a different wedding in my head.  I was going to have a beach wedding and choose this for the ease of walking across the sand.  It's simple and beautiful.

Fast forward a year and now I'm having a Christmas wedding in Colorado....not a beach wedding in the middle of the day.  Will my dress work?  Will it still be perfect?

Yes.  I believe it can still be the "perfect" dress, but my mindset has to change a little.  What I was envisioned isn't the reality now.

Isn't it funny that it's exactly like life?!  We see our job, or our partner, or our lives in a certain way and when life takes us down a different path, a new reality, we sometimes think that nothing is right.  Nothing fits!  However, that's not true.  We just need to change our perspective a bit.  Maybe change the expectations a lot.  It's hard to do though.

It's just like when I found out that my daughter was dyslexic.  I had known something wasn't quite right.  How does a 15 month old kid go from knowing and saying all her letters AND sounds AND talking in complete sentences to not being able to read?  She struggled to write letters.

I realize this isn't like life and death stuff here, but for my first kid to not be "perfect" sorta rocked my world.  I read a book on dyslexia and it opened my eyes, but I also had these thoughts of my kid not going to college and always struggling.  I look back now and see how silly it was to believe her world would somehow be LESS.

Fast forward 15 daughter is a very very gifted writer.  She has a published novel and is almost done with the 2nd book in the series.  Her quick whit and personality shine through in all that she writes.  She fell in love with reading and writing (something I was sure she would struggle with forever).

But here's the mind I saw this as a stumbling block, but it was anything BUT that.  She just became creative in how to "cope".   My kid never saw this as an issue.  She was just herself living in the moment and got by as she needed too.  And now she's brilliant.

Sometimes we have to let go of expectations.  I fully believe in dreaming and envisioning life as we want it!  But, don't hold on so tight to those thoughts that you forget to see that life might just be perfect as it is right before you.  What you didn't expect possibly has laid a better course for your life.  And that everything doesn't have to fit your dreams (like my beach wedding), but will work perfectly as it should right here and now.


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