Remember this topic from last month? This is the only phrase that seems to cover such a wide range of Today has had many of those moments. They have come from all my children, but Jocelyn takes the cake!

Let me give you a quick look into my morning. My children can't seem to SEE the nasty nasty mess that is our house! The slide over their dirty dishes from the meal before....or worse yet, they totally ignore that there was something there and basically place themselves right IN the mess. I got the question about why we might have sugar ants in the dining room. My response? REALLY? You guys don't understand why the SUGAR ants might enjoy our dining room? Let me give you some insight! It COULD be the orange juice that was spilt and apparently NOT cleaned up properly. It could be from the tiny bits of cake. It might be melted popsicles. I don't know. I do, however, know that right now, I'm surprised that the all out doors isn't inside trying to eat up the crumbs from the last night meal.

They "jump" into "action" and start cleaning up. most parents know, it is more like this slow motion movie where they only have one working arm, and even then it can't hold much. One thing at a time is picked up, and then after about the 3rd item they get, they suddenly forget what they were once doing. They are GONE. I mean, you can't find them anywhere. Such is the daily routine of my children.

I'm working on a cake that I'm making for a pot luck we are going to in just a short few hours. I notice about that time, that the baby is quiet. Quiet is BAD when you have an active child that is normally LOUD! Sure enough, quiet was BAD! She is sitting on the couch PLUCKING my laptop keys off the keyboard! Yep.....some sections missing 3 or more letters. Now, I'm trying hard to remind myself she is only a baby! Only a BABY. Only A BABY. ONLY A BABY!!!!! I'm not thrilled with my darling baby! I count to around 100 before really saying anything. What can you say to little keys all over the couch and floor? I start searching for all keys and the little parts that actually hold them to the keyboard. After search, all but 1 part was found. For now, my keyboard SEEMS back to normal, but only time will tell.

So now it is quiet.....but only for another few minutes. Jocelyn will have to get up from her nap (she went down late- so she is getting up late and this equals a late night). I'm looking forward to a wonderful evening! :) Surely we have had all the excitement any of us could handle for the day! HA!


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