We have a new pet?

I return from work (which is working at a coffee shop once a week) today to a hamster cage attached to another hamster cage....and in it? A baby mouse.

Here is the story. Natalie woke up to a squeaky sound. When she finally got enough courage to go investigate, she found a baby mouse caught in the sticky trap. See....those traps DO work! But my children think my husband and I are rather horrible because we put out these traps in order to hunt down and eventually kill our pest invaders.

Back to the squeak sound. The baby mouse was trapped in the glue. My daughters taking pity on the very cute and tiny mouse, decide to get out the cooking oil (hmmm.....have they been reading my blog?) and give the baby mouse a bath in order to "un-stick" him from the sticky trap. It worked like a charm, although the "pet" mouse now has a very oily & slicked back hairdo.

I'll continue this story when we decide if we should or should NOT keep this tiny little pet. We are waiting for daddy to get home tonight to make a family decision.


MichaelPenland said…

Tell Nathan to keep the new "pet" and name him Elvis. Get all the kids together... invite the new "pet"... and have a family night of karaoke. Cool fun, dude!

Miss you guys.

--Michael Penland

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