End of the day

We went to the church after naps, and prepared for our bible club. Some of the team went and picked up kids, some walked and picked up kids, and the rest just stayed at the church getting ready for each child.

We had 34 children. It was a great day! :) I was surprised at how many knew many of the stories we were sharing with them. It was great fun to watch each kid share. These kids seem so hungry for something.....but none of them seem to know what it is.

After we finished our 1 1/2 hours with the kids we took them home in the same fashion they arrived. After each kid was gone, we came back and shared our experience. We decided that we would tweak our program just a bit for the next two days, so it better fits our space (and the kids). We shared the exciting stories, and the frustrating areas. I see our group growing closer in these times.

We had supper afterward. It was great....and we were all hungry! We had yummy ice cream for dessert and then got ready for a prayer walk. The men were doing a bible study this evening (we get our chance on Wed. night). All the ladies (and young ladies) gathered up and split into two groups. We walked around the neighborhood and prayed. It was great, but I think the youth didn't find this to be one of the more enjoyable exercises. We spent over an hour walking and praying.

The youth girls saw a girl out playing basketball and joined in for a game. A few injuries (mainly to my two children) later and we were heading back to the church. We were supposed to have our debriefing period.

The men didn't finish their study until after 10pm, so we didn't start our session until they were done. It was a great meeting, but by the time we finished (not only sharing, but doing some worship as well) it was about 11:15. We had kids falling asleep in the car.

So we are home, and all is quiet. I really need to get to bed since tomorrow morning will come quickly! Until then........


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