Wed. & Thurs.

We had such a busy day Wed. I didn't even get a chance to write. Yesterday was our last day of bible club. It was bitter sweet as everything around here is. It was great to know that the stress and business of teaching were done, but sad to know that we wouldn't be with the kids again.

We had a break through with many of the kids. We had a blast just playing with each of them, and really focused on just fun and loving each one. We shared God's message, but it was less about the bible story and more about each kid.

After VBS we packed up our props and got everything cleaned up and decorated for the ladies tea we were having a few hours later. We also finished working on our costumes! :) Wait until you see the pictures!

Our tea went well with 24 ladies plus bunch of kids. It was such a great time of just loving these women. We served pasta and salad. They had all they could drink. We had a youth skit, a fashion show, and a bible study. We gave them gifts and then ended the evening with chocolate fondue. Our youth helped watch the little ones. And it was a gift for the ladies to be able to just enjoy an evening without having much to do.

We ended the evening with laughter and spirits were high. We tried to get into bed early, but that is a plan that hasn't worked at all!

Today- we woke up and and split into groups after breakfast. The young youth went to the playground to play and meet with kids. The older youth went to the community center to play basketball with the teens, and 4 of us adults went to the pastors house to paint a large bathroom!

After we spent the morning working apart from each other, we came together after lunch for some prayer time. It was amazing for most! I actually spent time in another room working through some problems that Kayla was experiencing.

After prayer everyone went out to do home visits, or try to follow through with a mission they thought God had place them on. Kayla and I stayed back to continue to work through some things.

Once everyone had come back (and shared some amazing stories), we packed up and went out the pastors home for dinner (and to get prepared for the youth night there).

I'll have to finish the rest of the story later.....I can hardly stay awake! :)


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