
Today has been a very busy day. It came off the heals of a very late night last night. It was a little frustrating to sit and have a prayer and worship session so late when we had girls falling asleep as we went on and on. It had really become an issue to allow God to move at that point.

We woke up early this morning and there again was a strain and frustration. No one could really pinpoint one thing.....but you could feel it. Even after prayer and devotions this morning. We went and ate breakfast and then had a group session. And shortly after that we were supposed to go on a hike with the boys and girls club.

There were several of us that didn't really want to go....but it was more because we felt that today was going to be a big day at Bible club and we didn't feel prepared. More frustration built when we sat at the club for over 30 minutes waiting for someone to show up so we could begin the hike.

Finally a number of us decided we really needed to NOT go, and instead come and pray before getting ready for bible club. It didn't seem like a positive choice from the group, but we decided to do it any way. We opened in prayer and it became the most amazing prayer time. We came together confessing our issues and sins before each other and before God. We shared, we cried, we prayed, we listened. God was certainly in our little room. And we all agreed that the peace we felt afterward was exactly what we were supposed to feel! Satan had plans for the whole day to be nothing but problems and issues. God had other plans, and when we got right with Him....amazing things were going to happen!

Bible Club had another 34 kids. 16 from the previous day were unable to make it.....so we had another new bunch of kids. Our small class of 4 doubled to 8. It was, in some ways, frustrating since we had such a quiet bunch the day before. Now it was rowdy, but God still moved. Afterward, we told some of the kids we would do some home visits. We went and saw all but one of the kids in our class. We invited them back for an evening worship session, and more importantly shared the plan of salvation with 4 of them. 1 accepted Christ, and the other 3 are searching. We will continue to pray for them.

At worship we had all of those kids come and hang out with us. Relationships are being built, and you just know that if we are faithful, God will bless this time! Some of these kids just need a friend! And some of them just need an adult that will love them. One story of one girl just brought me to tears. We have no idea what they face day in and out! You have no idea the darkness that hangs over this town.

During worship tonight another 2 children came to Christ! It was unexpected, but amazing! What a night! We were able to head home early tonight for some good rest. Tomorrow is our last day of VBS. We need to make sure we are prepared and ready for some follow-up. We have pushed these kids....and they have done well. Tonight it will be nice to be in bed "early"!

Until tomorrow!


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