Now THAT dream CAN come true!

My son came in with his vision board. He was excited about the work he had done with his board. He proudly showed me what he was now dreaming about, about the things he would be manifesting in his life.

All three children had added Disneyland for Christmas to their boards. He had a couple other things, but what caught my eye was his BIG picture in the upper left hand corner.

You see, there was a big picture of corn. Yes, CORN. The kind you eat! :) I asked him about it.

His reply was simple, "I like corn! I want more corn." LOL Yes, corn is my sons dream. Then I picked up the quote from one of my favorite movies A Knights Tale and shared it with him. "Now that dream CAN come true!"

Lesson learned? Sometimes we caught up in such big things and such big dreams, that we forget the little pleasures! Don't forget those little things! They tend to keep us grounded and help us make it through our "normal" day by day activities! I also learned that my children make me smile! AND that we should all have the mind and heart of a child more often!


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