You're not going to manifest THAT!?!

I forgot to tell my children that sometimes you much really think through everything you want to manifest. Sometimes it seems as though life would be better with certain things (like a robot that does all your house work). But if you haven't really thought through the whole situation you might find yourself wondering why you wanted it.

My middle daughter came up to show me her vision board. I about fell over when I saw a "baby" on it! Yep, right there on that board was a picture of a little baby. "Um......What is THAT?" I asked. "Because you better not be manifesting ANOTHER baby for this family!" Lord help us all if that one came true! ;)

Natalie starts laughing at my reaction. She then stops for a moment and thinks about her words then tells me it is her baby for after she gets married and has kids. I'm pretty sure it wasn't her original plan, but when mom threw in that part about "not another one in our family" she did some quick thinking and changed her thought!

Oh my goodness. I've always gotten pregnant with thought. I kid you not, I have thought about how much I wanted a baby, and not once have we ever had to "try" to get pregnant. By the end of the month, I WAS pregnant! I realize there are "other" steps in there, but it was the thinking and saying it that made it true!

Careful with those thoughts! :)


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