40 is the new 20 (or so they say)

I'm coming up close to my 44th birthday.  It's sorta a crazy thought that I'm nearing my MID 40's.  I will say that I'm more alive and feel better than I did in the last half of my 20's and certainly my 30's.  Who knew?  Why do I say this?  Can it really be true that I feel better than 10 or even 20 years ago?  Don't get me wrong, there are days when my body aches or is sluggish and that is vastly different than a few years ago.  My brain isn't as sharp (I believe THAT is from the lack of oxygen the last time I went into anaphylactic shock.  I'll share that story next time) as it was.  I don't learn as quickly as I once did.  I certainly don't retain the information as I did earlier in life.  So what's so great?  With the information I have shared how can I say I feel better?

1. I'm more confident in myself.
I have plenty of days when I question myself.  I still don't know what I want to BE when I grown up.  I worry about if people like me and why I'm not invited to every outing.  BUT....over all, I like me.  I have a strength from my past experiences that makes me unique.  I know what I like and want so much more than before.

2.  I see myself.
What the heck does that mean?  It means that I can see how imperfect I am, but appreciate what I've survived and lived through.  I can see that I'm not always right (however that doesn't mean I don't try to ALWAYS be right).  I can see the places I'm weak and lazy.  BUT.....I also see my strength.  I see what I've made it through and how it has shaped me into me! I see how beautiful I am (not that all agree).  I see how much I have to offer.

3. I'm alive!
I have spent so much of my life worrying about what others think, and in all honesty, I still struggle with this.  I'm learning each day to make ME a priority.  I'm learning each day to take care of ME both mentally and physically.  It's a journey though.

4. I'm sexy!!!
Yes, that's totally objective or subjective.  But I am.  Some days I will admit that I fell less sexy than others.  Physically I seldom wear makeup.  My clothing line is dated.  My hair shows streaks of grey.  My face shows more and more fine lines and flat out wrinkles.  GASP  And my body shows the signs of being pregnant 5 times with saggy skin and cellulite.   However, even given all that, I look in the mirror and think "yep, you've got it going on".  Not every day, but more often than not.  I'm crazy passionate about sex (sorry grandma).  I now have passion and excitement that I've never experienced!  I mean I enjoy sex!  Now if that doesn't help the sexy thing....not sure what does.  LOL

Of course this isn't all that makes me feel younger or perhaps BETTER than when I was in my 20's and 30's.  But it's a pretty good start.  And I think if more women could see themselves like this, they would feel younger as well.  Yes, the energy might not be same, but it's a mental thing.  Dig deep and find what makes you so wonderful.


Mark Sxott said…
i remember you as optimistic and bubbly. I am glad that you are in a good place in your life. Let me knlw if you ever want a guest blog taken from a mans perspective...I been around and seen a bunch...some good...some bad!!! and congrats on the engagement!!! you deserve happiness! Tell your mom and dad hi.

Mark Scott

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