I was born in a small town.....

Many of you know me.  Some think you know me.  And for others I'm a stranger.  So who is the lady behind the blog?  Let me give you some highlights of my life to help fill in some blanks.

I grew up in a tiny little community in South Eastern Colorado.  Our whole county had around 1200 people when I was growing up.  I lived in a teeny tiny town.  Many would consider it more of a village than a town.  There only a handful of families that lived there.  It's mostly a farming area, although many people commute to nearby towns to work (unless they worked on a farm).  Our bus rides to school started in "town" and then went way out to the country and then to the next town were we had a couple stops and then another stretch to the school in the middle of no where.   Plainview is a K-12 school and my senior year of school there were 102 in the whole school.  Our class one of the largest with 8 people.  There were 26 in high school.  As you can see, with such low numbers it meant in order to have a sports team or band or play.....everyone participated.  I suppose this is both a good and bad thing.  I wasn't particularly talented in sports, but I had decent height and heart!  lol  In other words, I wasn't very good, but I tried my hardest.  It sounded impressive to say that I played volleyball, basketball, track, and was a cheerleader.  When I decided to not be a cheerleader I was in the Pep-Club.  I was in all the school plays when I entered high school.  I went to all the proms and homecomings (funny how if you don't show up there isn't much of a dance).  I was on the knowledge bowl team and I was in band.  I made great grades and was involved in things like the science fair.  I also was very active in church and our youth group.

Each summer I would work a summer job.  Everything from waiting tables and dishes to working in a nursing home as a CNA to babysitting to working in my uncles grocery store.  Life in a small town was great!  But it was during the school year where so many memories were made.  Bike rides and outdoor play (much of the OUTDOOR thing was to avoid cleaning the house!  HA).  Time with friends was the best.  Although, time with my family was, by far, my favorite!  I loved hanging out with my parents.  I often asked them to chaperone a dance or even go on my senior trip to Florida for a week.

There wasn't much to do, and yet I don't remember being "bored".  We seldom went to the movies because that was 40-50 miles away.  We didn't have malls or any spot were teenagers went to hang out.  We just all met at the school and that was good enough (for me at least).   At night we sat and watched TV as a family (after homework of course).  So many memories.

Ahhhh.....life was good in a small town.


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