
Have you ever stopped to really think about how blessed you are?  I mean really think about it!  Do you get it?  Do you really get it?

In the United States pretty much all the population is blessed as compared to other parts of the work.  Most of the population has a house, and car, and food on the table.  Then on top of that most of us have cell phones, and computers, and we eat out and....and....and.....  Even with all that,  many of us feel like we aren't as well off as the guy next door.  However, can you see that we really are blessed?

Me?  I'm so amazingly blessed.   I've lived a life that has had its ups and downs, but it's been a very good life.  I have experienced travel all over the world, and hope to do much more of that in the coming years.   I've had the most incredible children.  All so very different, but all have big hearts.  I've had the good fortune to have many many different types of work and a couple different careers.

Looking back though, although I have been blessed, I'm not sure there is a time that compared to NOW.  You see, with my divorce I've had some rocky moments with my kids.  It's been hard and heartbreaking, but we are building stronger relationships through it.  I can talk to my two oldest girls like the amazing women they've become, not as the children they once were.  I get the privilege of seeing them grow and expand and change.  My youngest two are slowly stretching into the people they will become.  I love my time with them, and miss them when they are with their dad.  Can you see....blessed!!!

BUT wait there's more!  lol  I've never experienced the romantic love and affection I have found over the last couple years.  I've mentioned before how hard love can be, but I can't describe the feeling of just looking over and feeling FULL.  Like my cup runneth over.  BLESSED!  It is an actual electrical charge between Emanuel and I.  It's hard to explain, but I can say it again- blessed.

I'm also crazy happy in my job.  I need a whole other blog post to explain the ups and downs of my job, but to know that we are making the difference in the life of a kid AND I to have such amazing team of people to work with each day......BLESSED!

Take a few moments today to reflect on the good in your life.  Stop and think about how blessed you really are.  Until tomorrow.....


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