Wedding Venues

After such a down post yesterday I decided I really needed to lighten things up!

So we are in the midst of planning our wedding.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I really want to have what I want, but I don't want to spend much to get it.  lol

I've been calling hotels, conference centers, and other building spaces that might work for our big day!  It's exciting as we talk about what we want from that day.  I want to have the ceremony and reception in the same location.  I want it to be beautifully decorated.  I want it to be a lot of things, expensive not being one of them.

Do you know that no matter what type of hall or building you look at, it's ALL costly.  And if you find one that isn't that expensive by the time you figure in your rentals and such it now is crazy!  lol

But I refuse to stress about what I can't control.  No matter what we choose or where it is, it will be amazing because it's my wedding!  And I'm being given a second chance to marry the man I love.  It's a new beginning.

I do have to confess that I do sometimes consider my cruise wedding again.  :)  I just want everyone to come with me.  I want to celebrate with everyone I love.

More details to come as we have to make this decision within the next few weeks.  December is booking up quickly around here.


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