Beach Body

My wedding is coming up.  I have 10 months to prepare.  I've been losing weight since October so I'm not too worried about that aspect of preparing.  However, I'm not toned or in shape.  What's the big deal?  I have lots of time.

Let me confess, I HATE cardio.  I mean I HATE it.  I would rather do just about anything other than cardio. I know the benefits.  No only is it good for the heart and other muscles, but it's GREAT for the mind!  I don't mind weights.  In fact, I actually enjoy them.  But I've lost motivation to get my butt dressed and to the gym.  I've had a membership to Planet Fitness for well over a year.  I faithfully used it for a whole 2 or 3 months last year and nothing since.  We even bought a cool online program that allows you to pull up both weight and cardio workouts.  I can't even use the excuse that I just don't know what to do.

I'm just lazy.  Ugh.  I'm one of those that wants that magic pill.  Do nothing but have that beach body!  lol  Ridiculous!  I get on my kids for doing next to nothing, but I myself struggle to find the motivation.  I also know that if you just do it a few times for a few weeks you will begin to "crave" or at least want to work out more.  I know it's true because I've done it before.  I've worked out faithfully for periods in my life and I grew addicted.

So what to do?  Have flabby arms and back rolls in my wedding dress or stop dragging my feet and just go to the gym?  I know the gym will win out.  I really have NO excuses.  I don't have to give up family time in order to have my beach body because I only work until 4pm.  OR I could get up in the morning (gasp....miss sleep) and do my workout.

For those of you lacking motivation let's try to do this together.  Let's each make a commitment to just do SOMETHING 3 times a week.  Homework outs, walk/runs around the block, yoga, gym, it doesn't matter, but let's do it.  Stay strong.


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